From party girl to purpose-driven: I swapped drugs & alcohol for writing, mastered sales systems,

and traded anger for peace - passion & purpose with tantra. Join me on this journey to prosperity and fulfillment!

Discover How To Write Your Book Without Writing™️ in one weekend

This class will give you actionable steps to whispering book & using it for business

(In Just 4 Hours... With The All-New "write your book without writing™ masterclass")


Enter your email for more information about this write your book without writing™ Masterclass! 👇

Discover How To Write Your Book Without Writing™️ in one weekend

This class will give you actionable steps to whispering book & using it for business


(In Just 4 Hours... With The All-New "write your book without writing™ masterclass")

Enter your email for more information about this write your book without writing™ Masterclass! 👇

From party girl to purpose-driven: I swapped drugs & alcohol for writing, mastered sales systems,

and traded anger for peace - passion & purpose with tantra. Join me on this journey to prosperity and fulfillment!

Experience a vision for your book that lights your soul on fire & be held like never before

Write your book without writing

in a weekend

Magnetize your soul-fam & community with your book

Quantum leap your impact & income

Scale with that divine magic of yours feeling fully supported

Experience a clear vision that lights your soul on fire & be held like never before

Write your book without writing in 5 days

Create your business plan & Launch your high-ticket offer

Magnetize your soul-fam community

Quantum leap your revenue & impact.

Scale with that divine magic of yours feeling fully supported.

Experience the soul-led success by sharing your story



You wake up to a spacious, slow morning. The aroma of freshly brewing coffee fills the air as a profound sense of contentment and fulfillment washes over you. You feel deeply connected to your purpose as you've written your book and discovered your unique story and message meant to impact the world.

You've embraced authenticity, making your journey relatable and inspiring.

Looking ahead to the day of service, you're excited. Your calendar is filled with dream clients eager to work with you. Overnight, your inbox is flooded with notifications of sales, and your bank account now reflects a number that was once just a distant dream. It's all so wonderfully spacious.

In your direct messages, message after message pours in, reflecting the profound impact you're creating. Your clients express immense gratitude for your love, care, and leadership.

As you sip your morning coffee, you gaze around your beachside home and find your dream partner beside you, with your family filling the space with warmth and love. You're brimming with gratitude for the inner work and clear vision that made this dream life a reality, surrounded by those who mean the world to you.

Your heart is full.

Your bank account is full.

Your spirit is full.

And it all because of ... your book

Writing your book, building your business and making money is a fluid extension of your creative self. Inspiration flows daily, and your self-expression is on fire. Your channel is open, and you are tapped into your soul’s calling— sharing the depths of your wisdom on a stage that you created. You are the source of the magic, expanding every day, in the sacred dance of accelerated action.

Four Words:

Fulfilled. Financially Abundant. Free.

Dasha Love is...

Book Whisperer

Marketing Systems Lover

Abundance Accelerator

Meditation & Music Guide

7X Bestselling Publisher

World + RV Adventurer

Intuitive Business Strategist

Human Design & Gene Keys

Tantra & EcstaticDance facilitator

Psychedelic Guide


Every soul yearns to find the perfect guide to unleash their book, share their story, and amplify their message while building a thriving business and nurturing an enriching family life in a place they love.

This journey is multi-dimensional and hands-on, rooted in a frequency-first approach with a clear vision for your book, business, and spiritual growth. It's where spirituality and practicality merge seamlessly. You'll develop tactical skills like managing client calls, creating contracts, handling payments, and bringing your book and course to fruition.

You'll receive comprehensive training in sales strategy, marketing, branding, and confidently presenting your Signature Process to attract clients. Each business step is anchored in deep inner work, aligning with divine guidance to manifest your programs and mission.

Joining this group journey is stepping into a vortex of transformation. The Manifesting Academy offers a rigorous learning environment where you'll be supported every step of the way by exceptional coaches and mentors. You'll build lifelong connections with a supportive community of friends and colleagues. Through this experience, you'll be challenged to fully commit to yourself and your vision like never before. The manifestation field we cultivate together is monumental, magical, and boundless...

This is what’s possible in Dasha Love's Masterclass

Dasha Love's Masterclass is for you if...

  • You are a f*** yes to a future that’s dripping in the success of your soul’s passion

  • Can’t wait to see your book & business blow up with soul-aligned clients hungry for your unique magic

  • Embrace your shadows and fears because you know they are the portal to actualizing your highest vision

  • Are done doing this alone and feel ignited by launching in a group of badass women

  • Feel a deep conviction in your soul that NOW is the time to crush your 2024 revenue goal and rewrite your prosperity future

This is all possible when you strip away any doubt or fear that keeps you playing a small game and choose to go all-in on yourself.

You say yes to unleashing your inner creative consciousness, and commit to yourself like you never have before. You know that accelerated success comes from accepting the support from experienced coaches who know the process, and who will hold your hand through both the darkest and brightest moments of this journey. You are safe to stretch beyond what you think you can do here. We’ve got you.

Say it with me,







The deep yearning you feel to create the life you deserve is here now.

Dasha Love is...

Book Whisperer

Tech Systems Lover

Abundance Accelerator

Meditation & Music Guide

7X Bestselling Publisher

World + RV Adventurer

Intuitive Business Strategist

Human Design & Gene Keys

Psychedelic Ceremonies

The deep yearning you feel to create the life you deserve is here now.

Committing to this journey, this idea, and this business is you saying YES to your spiritual initiation.

Working with Dasha is about so much more than a book & business launch…it’s about taking action on your soul purpose and watching your vision come to life.

As a coach, I’m here to teach you the tools and strategies I used for books & business online launches.

But even more than that, I’m here to help you drop into your fem-tuition, balance your femininity & masculinity & stretch yourself beyond what you thought you could do, and come into your power.

I’m honored to be your guide not only in book & business, but in your spiritual initiation.

This path will be dark and scary at times, but it’s beautiful and real too. From one light-worker to another— it’s time to take a risk on yourself. Time to believe in something so much bigger than you. Time to go for the goal that will set you up financially and change the trajectory of your future.

My Masterclass is where I give you EVERYTHING.

I mean it love, the entire Book & Business systems, strategies, and templates I used to grow my book & business. I use all organic traffic, a simple business model, and being in the highest expression of my soul’s purpose. You’ll receive the whole damn thang. A formula that you can rinse, wash, and repeat for years to come, so that you can eliminate the guesswork and make the kind of money that will change your life.

Because the truth is, the YOU that’s out there hitting $10k, $20k, and even $100k cash months is already inside of you. And she’s ready to come out to play. All you need to do is take the leap, believe this is possible, and say yes to the future of your wildest dreams.

The magic of this program is in the container that’s created when my gifts mesh with those of my incredible team – as well as the committed and heart-centered soul-led men & women who are attracted to this fire energy.

v i d e o. t e s t i m o n i a l s

Disclaimer - This program will give you actionable steps to starting or growing a successful business, becoming an author and mastering tantra.

Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of hard work is involved.

(c) 2024 - Abundant Life Consulting, LLC - All Rights Reserved - coaching@dasha.love

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Not associated with Facebook or Facebook, Inc.