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Are You A PurposePreneur?

March 13, 20233 min read

We all have a divine purpose…a divine assignment—every single one of us. The question is, are you awakening to it?


When we arrived in this lifetime, God (the Source, the Creator or whomever you call that great power within you) assigned to you a divine purpose. You can take on that divine assignment while you are here in physical form, alive and breathing. I am passionate about all of us connecting to that power within because, trust me, you will live, think, breathe, do and be differently in the flow of life.

What I want to share is an amazing conversation with my business partner who is creating the life she is living, and I want to teach you how to weave this into action toward creating your divine purpose (or what some call life purpose).

8 Reasons

During our conversation I had an epiphany, and it dawned on me that the word entrepreneur (or what I like to call solopreneur) does not fit the description of our work. True, we created and operate our own businesses, but it is so much more than that. SO MUCH MORE!!!

We each began a business through the purposeful desires that were in our hearts - our NAKED TRUTH. Our passion is what drives us to get up in the morning and work from our heart-centered, purpose-filled awareness to serve humanity.

We are not solopreneurs and we are not entrepreneurs—we are purposepreneurs. You probably are too. If so I invite you to transition to using this word to describe you and your business... ok.. BAM!

I want to share how I define purposepreneur since there is not much mention of it on the internet. The definition of purposeful is “having a useful purpose - being intentional - being shameless and 100% in your (naked) TRUTH.” An example - would be a company’s mission statement—that is the company’s purpose. Another example is when we create a business that is born through our experiences and the wisdom we have gained throughout our lives that we are now sharing to help others arrive at their destination faster so they can have more time freedom.

Therefore, the definition of a purposepreneur is: A person who creates a business from a purposeful awakening through their life experiences, passions and 100% (naked) TRUTH (their truth). Often that awakening comes through pain to wake you up. You unleash that knowing inside to connect to your divine purpose. You choose to create a business that pays you for who you are (the pain - the collectibe wounding that you have that you are either learning to overcome or have already overcome).

Purposepreneurs are not driven primarily by money. Living through their (naked) truth, they create a shameless business to aid and serve the world from their vantage point, which is their heart center—their inner knowing driving them. No other opinions matter but tapping into their truth to serve from that center. ta-daaaa!!!!

Is it easy? Definitely not! Do you worry about making enough money? Yes! But a purposepreneur is awake enough to know that just going to a job to pay the bills does not fuel the soul.,, and in fact when you try to take that route you end up

Purposepreneurs know that they must follow their calling - their divine purpose... and that that takes courage + compassion + soooo much LOVE!

I invite you to claim, “I am a purposepreneur!” or “I am ready to manifest a purposepreneur business.” Because the world needs you - you are the missing piece of the puzzle for so many. With your gifts and talents - you bridge the gap!

purposepreneur dasha love bridge the gap limitless purpose

Start by signing up for a 20-minute Clarity Session to discover how to connect more to your power within! (One-time use only.)


Dasha Love

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